The Flag of Venus

The Flag of Venus


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  • Delivery Time: 3 weeks1

The Flag of Venus, designed by J. Alfary, represents the planet Venus itself and its inhospitable environment. 

  • Red represents the planet Venus, its high temperatures making it the hottest planet in our Solar System, its sulfuric acid clouds, and its rocky surface. The four red flows represent lava from its periodic volcanic activity. 
  • The four quadrants represents the four major mountain belts of Venus: Danu Montes, Akna Montes, Freyje Montes, and Maxwell Montes. 
  • Black represents the six major Venusian landmasses: Ishtar Terra, Aphrodite Terra, Lada Terra, Asteria/Beta Regio, Atla Regio, and Ulfrun Regio.